Stake More / Unstake AutoS & Extend Lock Time

Entering "Stake / Unstake" for more options

Stake More AutoS

Click "Stake More" to stake more AutoS, in order to generate more AutoCell and earn more Bonus AutoS rewards (this action keeps the original lock time unchanged). Enter the additional amount and click "Stake" and approve corresponding transaction in the wallet

Extend Lock Time

Click "Extend Lock Time" to extend the locking period to another 2 months (work for both pre-expiry and post-expiry case). Under lockup period, AutoCell is earning in 2x speed

Unstake AutoS after lockup period

You may click "Unstake" after the lockup period. Please be reminded that unstaking any AutoS would lead to loss of all AutoCell (both claimed and pending ones). After unstaking, you bonus AutoS rewards will be harvested to your wallet

Last updated