veSINGLE Token
Quick Summary about Boosting Reward:
Stake and lock SINGLE and/or SINGLE LP tokens to earn veSINGLE over time
By claiming veSINGLE manually, you will boost your SINGLE rewards on your strategy rewards, assets-borrowing and earn extra SINGLE rewards
If you don't claim veSINGLE, you won't enjoy any boosted SINGLE reward
During lockup period, you will earn veSINGLE at 2x speed
During lockup period, you will earn extra SINGLE reward for staking, based on the proportion of claimed veSINGLE
ACTUAL Boosted APR on strategy / borrowing depends on your share of CLAIMED veSINGLE
You can only unstake SINGLE and/or SINGLE LP tokens after the lockup period
If you unstake any SINGLE and/or SINGLE LP token, you will lose all of your veSINGLE, both claimed and pending ones
After unstaking, you bonus SINGLE rewards will be harvested to your wallet
What is veSINGLE?
veSINGLE is a non ERC-20 token that rewards long-term SINGLE Stakers by boosting their SINGLE yield for existing strategy and/or farming positions and giving them bonus SINGLE rewards, as well as granting them voting power for Governance in the future.
Stake and lock SINGLE and/or SINGLE LP tokens to accrue veSINGLE over time
The more veSINGLE you claim, the more boosting on your SINGLE rewards on your strategy rewards and asset-borrowing
You can speed up your veSINGLE-earning by extending the lockup period after the initial lockup period
veSINGLE will also provide Voting Power for future governance system
veSINGLE Parameter
Base rate: 0.00000292706 per second
2x Speed during lockup period: 0.00000585412 per second
How do I get veSINGLE?
Locking SINGLE, SINGLE-VVS and/or SINGLE-USDC LP tokens. Every SINGLE staked will be able to earn 0.505795 veSINGLE per day during lockup period. Every SINGLE LP staked are converted to the equivalent number of SINGLE. For example, if your number of LP contains 0.5 SINGLE and 0.025 USDC, your staked SINGLE LP will be converted to 0.5*2 = 1 SINGLE. You can still earn 0.505795 veSINGLE per day during lockup period.
2. veSINGLE will be generated at 2x SPEED during lockup period.
3. From the UI, you can see a. how many veSINGLE is earned per day and pending veSINGLE to be claimed (by clicking "Claim All") b. how much SINGLE rewards you will gain by claiming veSINGLE
4. After you claim veSINGLE, you can boost rewards on your existing borrowing assets and strategy rewards.
Last updated